i just have one question, what happened to the guy who climbed the building and started shooting randomly at scary noises?
i just have one question, what happened to the guy who climbed the building and started shooting randomly at scary noises?
if this is a joke i'm not laughing. what is the point in making these. i'm really saying this as nice as i can but please, get a new hobby because you may think this is funny, the people you tell to rate 10 may find this remotely funny, but i don't this is just not funny at all.
I know it's not funny. It's not supposed to be funny. Not everything has to be funny.
I don't tell people to vote on this in any way. People are free to vote however they choose. Believe it or not, not everybody in the world has the exact same views as you about everything. This means that some people will like things you don't and dislike things you do.
how did you do the voices? or did egoraptor do it himself?
no, i did them
i got a question
who did the voiceing
or did you just take the actual sounds from the show
that was fuckin awesome
did you ever concider makeing a game out of this?
but come on, sauske a quincy?
other than that, great job
go naruto, zelda, and family guy
beating up my sister
why would i tell you my school
Joined on 6/23/06